Who I am and who I’ll beWhen that one person talks about how hard it is to age, that gives women the permission to be able to speak their truth.
Caitlin was a former fashion columnist, “Fashion Plate Cait”, at The Times Herald-Record, beauty director at Life & Style Weekly, and is currently the Beauty Director of Talkshoplive, the leading live streaming eComm platform in the USA. Her freelance work appears in The Wall Street Journal, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Fitness, Refinery29, Harper’s Bazaar, The New York Times and more. Following her battle with cancer, Caitlin published Pretty Sick: The Beauty Guide for Women With Cancer, sharing tips to offset the unpleasant effects of treatment to help women feel and look their best.
@caitkiernan Real talk. #aging #aginggracefully #gettingolder #over50 #realtalk ♬ original sound - @Caitkiernan
In January she published a video on Tiktok where she expresses the raw and honest truth about her experience with aging. She explains “There are moments when it’s really hard to embrace these changes…I want to be ok with aging. I don’t think I have the energy for the fight, because it’s inevitable,” and poses the question, “How are you guys dealing with this?”. Caitlin’s video has gone viral with over 745,000 views and over 4400 shares, and shows that women are ready for more honest dialogue around aging, and a shift in the flaw-focused aging narrative.