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Who I am and who I’ll be
Nadyne Kasta is an artist, producer and art director who has been working in various creative fields over 25 years. She recently launched Project 50, a series of portraits and interviews with women age 50. In this episode we talk about how the age 50 is portrayed in popular culture, and the reality of the many different ways it can look.

hat I was seeing a lot, in certain media outlets, were celebrities who were 50 who were being praised for their age but who didn't reflect my reality.

"When I turned 50, I felt compelled to put something into the world that could serve as an antidote to that experience, to share what feels (to me, at least) like a more accurate portrayal of women at 50, and to celebrate them/us not in spite of their/our age but because of it."

As Nadyne was approaching 50, she was mentally preparing for this milestone birthday. The articles and images of women her age that were popping up in magazine and social media posts, which were intended to empower women her age, but in reality, had the opposite effect. Nadyne felt that the message she received from them was not that 50 is beautiful, powerful or strong but, rather that, to be worthy of admiration at 50, one needed to definitely not look 50.

Nadyne created Project 50 in response to this experience. Her series of portraits features un-retouched images and interviews that examine what it’s like to be a woman at 50.

Learn more about Project 50 and follow Nadyne on Instagram.

I wanted to open up the door and show that there are a million ways to be 50

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Who I am and who i'll be